Sunday, August 16, 2009

Are you living the life you would like to be living? Are you enjoying the good things of life that you define as success? You hold the power to change the course of your life. You are in control of what happens to you and it begins in your mind with the attitude you have toward life. If your attitude is negative you will not live a life you love and success will elude you. When you begin living life with a positive attitude your life will become the life you love living.

1. Think positive. Your thoughts are your most important factor in creating the life you live. Discipline yourself to only allow positive thoughts to reside in your mind. Find ways to control your thinking.

2. Speak positive. Your words reflect your thoughts. Control your words - speak only positive words. Let your words reflect your new discipline - positive thinking.

3. Look for the good in others. As you focus on the positive qualities of others you begin to enjoy those people more and your life becomes more positive. Learn to always look for the things in other people that you admire. State those discoveries in your mind and to those people you were thinking about.

4. Find something good to speak about. These words have been my guide in life: "Small minds talk about people. Average minds speak about things. Great minds speak about ideas." Learn to have a great mind by speaking of ideas, dreams, goals, plans, and the good things about life.

5. Do not worry. Worry steals the joy out of living. Worry is only borrowing trouble for yourself. Become a problem solver instead of worrying about those problems.

6. Focus on the future. Don't stay stuck in the past. Focus on a bright future and think on how much you will enjoy working towards and accomplishing your goals.

7. Gratitude. Learn to count the blessings in your life. Every day, find a minimum of 5 things you are thankful for. As you focus on the good things in life and train your mind and your mouth to be positive your life will take on new meaning and you will lead a life that is also positive.

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

People join network marketing businesses because they want to be able to change their lives and live their dreams. Normally when you are asked or invited to join a network marketing business, you will be painted a beautiful picture of finally being able to achieve that elusive financial freedom. The best part is all of this can be attained through passive residual income. This means that once you have built your network marketing organization team you will be able to leverage on your organization in terms of time and effort. With the right support, coaching and motivation plus hard work in the first few years, this will allow you to put in little effort in your business and still make good money every single month.

This dream however is easily shattered the moment you start talking to people about your fantastic business opportunity. You immediately not only start getting rejected by these people, but you start getting bombarded with lots of negativity and dream killers. These people will do all they can to undermine what you are doing. At the same time, because they do not share your dreams and goals, these negative people are not able to see and understand what you dream is all about.

In lieu of the above facts, and in order not to feel dejected and rejected by all the negativity, you should try as far as possible to stay away from negative people. This may be easier said than done. However here are a few tips that can help you achieve it.

- Positive motivation. This is so important, yet many people underestimate the power of positive motivation. Many successful people go through motivational courses and read motivational books to keep their motivation spirit up! There are a lot of people in the world today who do not believe in the power of positive motivation. Are you one of them? Have you become so immune to motivation or are you turning out to be another negative person as well? Look deep into yourself and search your soul. Things may not be rosy all the time. However in life there are always ups and downs and it is how you handle these challenges in your life that will determine if you succeed or otherwise. Remember not to give up on yourself and get yourself recharged again by reading more motivational books or attending motivational camps and seminars.

- Positive affirmation. Constant and daily positive self affirmations help to boost the spirit as well. Go through the affirmations everyday at least two times, once in the morning and again in the evening. This will help to give you some positive energy.

- Remove yourself from negative environment. This is easier said than done because most of the time it is the people closest to us who are our dream killers and dream snatchers. So if you want to continuously stay positive, you need to recharge yourself with positive energy as often as possible. Even the most successful person may have gone through this stage. Yet in order to reach the level where they are at right now, they have to make a conscious effort to pull themselves away from all the negative people in their lives. Then only can they succeed in recharging their positive energy with help from motivational books, workshops and seminars and go all out to create financial success in their lives.

- Just take action. It is normal to feel down and negative and get pulled down by all the negativity especially when you are not achieving results. The most important thing that you can do when you hit this stage is to take action and get back into the groove of things. Think positive, act like a warrior and 'just do it' as Nike says. Rather than just sitting there and sulking in the background, make a concerted effort to go all out and ignore any negativity. Get up, get out and get things going!

Veronica Tan BK is a successful home based business entrepreneur and owner of Easy Leads Mentor. Her passion is to help others achieve a full-time income working from the comfort of their home. Here is a free exclusive interview with world famous internet marketing giant to get a head-start in your working online from home business. Feel free to visit her at