Monday, December 07, 2009

Positive Thinking, Intention and the Law of Attraction

Positive thinking is a condition of creative force that brings into our experience what we desire to have or do. It is another term relating to the law of attraction, 'What you think you create.'

However, positive thinking is only part of the process of creation. You will never produce what you want from positive thinking until you know exactly what it is that you want to experience. In my experience, most of the people I have come into contact with do not know what it is that they really want.

I have asked people to think for a moment about what they would want if they could have anything they desired. The expected answers run the gamut of new cars, money, houses, relationships, and just about anything they could imagine.

I asked them to think about it again, and reminded them that they can have these things if they are very specific about what it is they want. They once again would think about it and come back with the same answer - I want a new house, a new car, a relationship etc.

I would then ask them why they would want a new house or whatever, and the answer would inevitably be the same no matter what they wanted - because it would make me happy they would reply.

Most people I have talked to understand the concept of positive thinking and how the law of attraction works on a very general level.

So I press on with more questions. Do you believe that if you thought really hard about it, that you could have your new house? Many would say yes. Then I would ask - would you be happy? Once again they would say yes, very happy. So I would repeat their statements of desire. A new house would make you happy. And the answer again would be yes.

So I would ask if there was anything they would want to add, and most would settle for just the new house after a moment of thought. Many people were afraid to ask for too much on questioning them; thinking that they didn't deserve or they already asked for too much.

I gave them a possible scenario to consider after they moved into the house.

What if the house was poorly built and plumbing and wiring were defective? What if the roof leaked after the first rainfall? What if the house was in a poor quality neighborhood? Consider the house being located in the flight path of an airport - would you still be happy.

The answer every time was a resounding, no!

Then I asked what it was they left out of their wish? Does having this new house make you happy? The answer is obviously - no. One said, "I should have asked for a good quality house in a nice neighbourhood - he still missed the point.

Another said he wanted $10 million and he would be happy. I asked him to consider his answer again. And he confirmed that the money would make him happy. I asked him if he applied positive thinking to his desire' would the result of the positive thinking bring him his happiness. He said maybe.

I gave him a possible scenario. What if he thought diligently on receiving the money and was passionate about getting it, would he be happy when he received it? He said yes. Then I said consider this. On the day that you received the $10 million notice in the mail; you also received a request from your doctor to come into his office to review the results of a recent test. He told you that you had one month to live and that your death would be very painful and you must be hospitalized immediately. Does receiving $10 million bring you happiness without considering the other possibilities? Did you leave something out of your request? Would a request for $10 million and perfect health make more sense?

What is it that is in common with our wants that we miss out on no matter how positively we think about them?

Many people believe that having a wish granted or gift received will bring them happiness. Is it the gift, the granted wish or is it happiness that is desirable? And if it is happiness they want, does it really matter whether they have these other things or not?

Positive thinking does not bring us what we want unless we truly know what it is we do want. Should we be asking for everlasting happiness?

Positive thinking and the "Law of Attraction" does work when the principles are properly applied, and we are passionately aware of what it is we want.

Even positive thinking can leave us with negative results if we are not careful about what we think. Being positive, does not always mean what we get is what we want; if we're not focused on what it is we really want.

It is OK to want 'things', but it does not work to think that 'things' will bring us what we truly want. There are truly only a few things that most people want and it can be summarized in one word - an abundance of happiness.

Positive thinking will bring all that we desire if we understand the principals of positive thinking in that we always get what we think about at some level of consciousness. If we are thinking about receiving a thing and are thinking that we will not get it at the same time; the two thoughts will cancel out each other. We will have nothing left but a thought of wanting.

Positive thinking is the procedure for getting what we desire. But the knowing that we have it, that it is already ours, is absolute.

Know that you are happy first, and then create the things in your mind and experience which reflect your true happiness. Like the new house, car, relationships, the $10 million or whatever you can imagine. They are simply symbols; they are not the emotion that you want to experience - but they will visual reflect that emotion.

Think positively and know that all things will be yours at the correct time and place when you are ready to receive them. Be careful what you think - you may get it!

Positive thinking only goes so far - it's one step. The first step is in knowing what it is you really, really want.

Roy E. Klienwachter is a resident of British Columbia, Canada. A student of NLP, New Age Light Worker and Teacher. Roy has written and published two books and nine ebooks on New Age wisdom. Roy's books are thought provoking and designed to empower you to take responsibility for your life and what you create. His books and articles are written in the simplicity and eloquence of Zen wisdom.

You may not always agree with what he has to say. You will always come away with a new perspective and your thinking will never be the same.

Roy's style is honest and comes straight from the heart without all the metaphorical mumble jumble. For more articles visit his site at

Review his new book at:

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Sunday, November 29, 2009


A wise person once declared that it's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not. You need to trust in your own abilities so that you can go beyond what is expected of you. If this means that you have to take risks, then so be it. Many people don't get to see what they are really capable of because they are scared of committing mistakes. But isn't that a part of life? No one is exempted from making errors. These are sometimes there to teach you more about life. If you saved yourself from doing something wrong, you can never survive in the real world.

To become a truly successful person, you need to trust in yourself first. You go through rough patches every so often, and this is when you know how strong you actually are. Along the way, you encounter potholes and barriers. You may even fall several times. Nonetheless, you simply need to push yourself up with both arms every time this happens. Each fall teaches you how to balance yourself better the next time it happens.

With the lessons learned, you have gained new knowledge for future battles. The world is made up of two kinds of people: winners and losers. The major difference between these two is not the number of achievements they've had. The winners are those who know how to lose. To see each defeat as only a delay because nothing stops them from getting what they want in the very end. That is what matters most. If you don't easily get discouraged, you know that you will go further than those who let failures dictate their actions.

What makes you a success is your tenacity. You constantly try to channel all your talents to fulfilling your goals. While there may be a few surprises along the way, you also know that you shouldn't be too hard on yourself. You cannot control every aspect in your life. You meet people that may just bring you down or a recent economic crisis has caused you your job. These things aren't your fault. But then again, you also shouldn't blame the others for it. The important thing now is to focus on what needs to be done. A wise move would be to have a backup plan for all your major decisions. Learn to expect the unexpected and always have something to fall back on.

Believe in yourself because winners just don't know how to quit. Success sometimes happens with sometimes a major sacrifice from you. Winners work harder than everyone else. In fact, it takes extra effort to reach the pinnacle. If this were easy, everyone would have been successful by now. See what is in you and try to hone your skills and talents as much as possible. Adopt the can-do attitude. Things may not be exactly what you wanted, but the point here is that you are trying. As long as there is some effort from you, you will be a lot closer to winning than those who don't do anything at all.

By Raymond Le Blanc. Sign up for my Free newsletter at or follow me at Twitter.

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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Maintaining a positive attitude is an important part of living a happier and more fulfilling life. It helps a lot in achieving your goals, in achieving success and in creating more happiness - for you and the people around you.

Indeed, the benefits of maintaining a positive attitude are endless. It motivates, inspires, and allows you to do more. It gives hope, more happiness, more self-confidence, more energy, and it allows you to find more opportunities in life.

If you are looking for more ways on how to be more positive in life, here are a few that you might find useful.

- Learn to be thankful. Appreciate the things that you have now in life. Do not focus your thoughts on what you do not have, or what you lack. Be thankful instead of whatever you have. It is also one way of attracting more good things to come to you.

- Learn to give and do something good to others everyday. Giving does not only bring joy into your life, it also helps you see and realize that you have many things to be thankful for. It is also in giving and doing good to others that you attract more good things to come to you.

- Practice positive affirmation daily. Maintaining a positive attitude starts from getting rid of negative thoughts. By telling yourself positive statements everyday, it helps reprogram your mind to change your negative thoughts into positive ones. This technique also works in changing how you see yourself. If you lack self-confidence because of the many insecurities and negative thinking you have in the past, practicing positive affirmation can help you regain back self-confidence and give you more motivation.

- Find something good or positive about every situation. There are always something good and positive about everything and cultivating the attitude of finding those things can help you stay positive in life, no matter how difficult the situation can be.

- Choose to be happy. Indeed, happiness is a choice and in whatever things you encounter in life, you can actually choose how to respond to it. Choose happiness over resentment and avoid anger or hatred as much as possible.

- Visualize your dreams, your desires and your goals. Learning how to visualize your desires and goals in life helps you get that good energy and motivation to achieve it. Feel the feeling of being able to achieve your goals and motivate yourself to achieve them.

- Focus your mind on the things that you want and not on the things that you don't. The more you focus on what you want, the more you will build a positive energy around you to attract it. Instead of telling yourself, 'I hate this or that' try focusing on what you love and what you like.

- Start your day with a smile always. Always keep in mind to give your smile to someone each day and find reasons to smile each day. This will help you focus on staying positive throughout the day and maintaining a positive attitude always.

Exert a little more effort in becoming more positive in life and enjoy the many benefits of living happier and more fulfilled.

Carolyn Anderson loves to share resources to help you live happier and more fulfilled. To help you with positive affirmations, check out this positive affirmations program and software . Also check out Secret Behind the Secret, where you can teach yourself on how to control what is happening in your life.

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Monday, November 09, 2009

What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of talking to girls? Of public speaking? Or talking to someone socially superior - like a boss?

I was afraid of a lot of things at one time. I was even afraid to talk to a shopkeeper properly. And before girls, I just froze! Yet, today I love public speaking and feel natural before girls.

There was an interesting strategy that really, really helped me rip my fears apart. Who knows, it might help you too.

Here's what I did.

1) Every night before I slept, I wrote down one small fear to face the next day. For me this was something as small as smiling at a girl. You too can choose something pretty small. What scares you just a bit? Maybe talking to a stranger and initiating a conversation. Maybe taking the initiative and ordering food when you're out with friends? Maybe just complimenting someone you don't know so well! Just write down one small little fear you can face the next day.

2) The next day, face it - that small little fear. So one day, my small fear was somehow initiating a conversation with a girl I didn't know. There was this girl sitting near me at the college help desk and I asked her - "Where are you from?" I actually shivered and shook when I asked her that! But she told me where she was from and we smiled and I realized that I felt terrific after conquering my small little fear.

3) That night write down one more small fear to face for the next day. And face it the next day.

That's it!

I mean, I know it sounds pretty easy and also weird - but it truly changed my life! I used to be so meek! As I told you, I would feel nervous before girls. The first day - I listed my small fear as "Somehow talking to a girl despite shaking." The next day it was asking her a personal, but well meaning question... And soon facing, my small fears, one day I was able to walk up to a girl I didn't know but who looked beautiful and say to her - "Hi, I don't know you, but you really look beautiful today. " And I felt so amazing! Similarly, I was afraid of even jogging because I used to think - "What will other people think about me when they see me jogging?" Imagine. Afraid of jogging! But today, I love anchoring quizzes and debates and talking to audiences...

So well, simply put - there are only 3 steps in answer to 'how to beat fear'

1) List one small little fear you have and decide to face it the next day.

2) Shiver, shake, be ripped apart, but face it the next day.

3) List another small little fear for the next day.

You do not have to do something that is terribly fearful - just something small. One step at a time, any fear can be surmounted. You don't have to speak to an audience of 2000 right now. But if you faced one small little fear everyday for 365 days, tell me, wouldn't you overcome absolutely any fear on this earth?

Do try it in your life. A fear a day. A small little one. Feel the shaking. Feel the nervousness. But rock the world, one step at a time. :)

Meghashyam Chirravoori is basically someone like you but with an unreasonable passion for exploring living more. He's written more about his attempts at fearless living at He writes regularly about other things he learns at Copyright - Do republish this article wherever you want, but please publish everything as it is, including this author description and the active links.

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Friday, November 06, 2009

This is an abundant world. Money and abundance flows freely and easily, and when you become comfortable with this process it is much easier to allow the opportunities for money to flow to you instead of away from you. If you find yourself becoming tight with your money carefully safe guarding each cent from slipping away from you, you become completely focused on your lack of prosperity. You become so focused on keeping what you have left that you cannot see any opportunities that comes your way.

This belief can be shifted by an understanding that you can achieve any measure of abundance that you need or want. One way to open your thinking is through the 10% rule. There is a commonly sited rule in entrepreneurism that is the 10% rule. You should always make it your commitment to donate at least 10% of anything you make to the charity of your choice. Making this commitment will improve the way you see yourself and your own financial situation. Charity reminds you of others who are in far worse situations than you and gives you a better perspective on your own abundance. This little shift can assist you in tweaking your thinking to better appreciate the things that are working for you. You switch from feelings of lack to feelings of abundance.

This will not only make you feel more abundant and make you see the positives in your situation, it will also make you view yourself differently. You will see yourself as a leader, a benefactor, and an influence for good. This is what every entrepreneur aspires to be. Someone who helps others to find solutions, who offers people the opportunity to improve their lives. And those that will achieve long term success are those who are contributing and creating a better world around them. This shift to entrepreneurial thinking will help you see opportunities that are coming your way and allow you to be confident and courageous in pursuing them.

Finally, what you give comes back to you. As I said abundance is a flow, you have to allow it to flow from you freely in a positive way for it to return.

You might be looking at this now thinking, I would love to contribute to the world, but I simply can't afford to. These words are like poison. Do everything in your power to remove them from your thinking. Because you can't afford not to.

Everyone has a basic level of income, what they could barely get by with. You need to pay rent or mortgage, you need to pay the house bills, you need food on the table. Any money beyond this basic level is extra. You would not let your income drop below this basic level because you need a roof over your head and food on the table. Now take that basic level, and add an extra 10%.

Keep it simple: you have a new basic income level. This is one of the most important changes of thinking, and is vital to your future. If your income currently does not cover this, than you need to make it your priority to raise your income to this new level at least. If this is a non-negotiable in your life, the opportunity will come to you, and as you open to more opportunities and possibilities for your life you will open up to success. You owe it to yourself and to the world to find your abundance.

Author Resource:- Click to learn more about helping others, see top charity suggestions for entrepreneurs, and other self improvement ideas Do you have a big goal for 2010? Click here if you want to find a business where you can create abundance while helping others and continuing to develop yourself.
Article From New Ezine Articles

Thursday, November 05, 2009

If you think that the thoughts that are going on in your head is hidden from the rest of the world - think again. Actually, people may not be able to pinpoint what exactly you are thinking about, but they can pretty accurately gauge your state of mind. Remember, there is a lot of truth in the saying that the face is the mirror of the mind!

You walk into a room filled with people and suddenly every body gets into a cheerful mood. What happened? It is you who exuded some kind of positive energy - arising from your positive state of mind and your positive attitude. Thoughts are more powerful in communicating about your inner self, than you ever imagined.

What's on your mind not only reflects in your attitude, but it also impacts others around you. That is why you find that some people are instantly liked by others while some instantly get rejected. Negative thoughts and deportment make you appear sad, depressed and gloomy. People prefer to stay away from such people. On the other hand, a positive state of mind is instantly attractive. People crowd around these people who exude a positive and welcoming energy. It shows in what they say, their mannerisms and most importantly in their attitudes.

Your attitude is also a function of your perspective in life. If you only see doom around you, it would show on your deportment. But if you tend to focus more on positive aspects of life, you carry a healthier and brighter personality.

But why think positive? Benefits include better health, increased social acceptance, improved stress management skills and living with fewer worries in life.

Ron is an avid article writer who has written articles for over 3 years. Visit his site that has helpful information on john deere parts and rvs for sale.

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Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Everybody Can Be A Millionaire

October 6, 2009 by admin

I know it’s hard to grasp for some - I mean, if you say that to my face 5 years ago, I’ll say that you’re out of your mind. To be frank, it never comes across my mind at all that I’ll be where I am today humbly.

You see, in this new age of time that we’re living in, there are many ‘vehicles’ for you become a millionaire. It has created a new platform where ideas and some willingness to act upon them can turn an ordinary person to a self-made millionaire.

For instance, at only 15 years old, Jasmine Lawrence became a millionaire by creating her own brand of natural beauty products and has a distribution deal with Wal-Mart. Yes, fifteen.

Remember the “Secrets” about Law Of Attraction? If you’ve been reading personal development books all of these while like Think And Grow Rich, Science Of Getting Rich and so on, you’ll know that it wasn’t something very novel but it was an idea of “recreating” the concept and adding more energy to it. By the way, I believe the creator of The Secrets wasn’t a known person before and she literally leverage on other speakers and authors to achieve this phenomenal success. I bet she’s now a millionaire and she gets my highest admiration for her acomplishement today.

There are so many other people who became millionaires from nothing that are not ‘advertised’ on the internet or in the newspapers. Who knows, your neighbors might even be millionaires. Whether the millions are created from starting businesses or trading stocks, the internet have definitely made it much simpler for anyone. For the obvious main reason… the internet allows you to leverage on the world’s market. Whether you’re selling a product or becoming an author, the internet can help you do it faster.

To become a millionaire, you need a good idea.

But that alone won’t help you with anything because everyone has a million-dollar idea in them.

It’s the WILLINGLESS to act upon it.

Let me tell you something - most people are just like dead people walking with absolutely no energy and drive for success. They want the ‘easy way’ and that’s not wrong but the problem is, the ‘easy way’ doesn’t exist until you’ve taken the ‘hard way’. Then everything is ‘easy’.

A few hours ago (before I wrote this), I was driving in the parking lot area and a young man was in the middle of the lane, walking extremely slow. I stopped my car but did not horn him to avoid being rude and arrogant in my car. He stopped walking across the lane and looked up at me in the windscreen, starring for a while. Then he continues walking slowly with absolutely no urgency to move faster for me to pass, with a grudge on his face that he doesn’t wants to ‘lose’. (I’ve checked, he is not injured or anything.)

The weirdest thing is he felt intimidated because I ‘win’ that he has to move for me to pass, so he decided to walk even slower proving that he doesn’t needs to do what I want, to follow my ‘instruction’.

And secondly, he walked so slow as if he has nothing to live for.

Let me repeat – he’s not injured or just finish exercising.

Well, I could be wrong to be judgmental. The point is, I want to relate this to you because that’s HOW MOST PEOPLE ACT and wonders why they don’t become millionaires.

Young or old, there are people who are not willing to learn from others just to prove to themselves that they’re not ’stupid’. Then there are people who find it extremely hard to compliment or admire others because they don’t want to feel inferior.

For me, when I see someone else’s success, I admire that. And if I get the chance to speak with him or her, I’ll be the first to tell him how great he/she is because his/her success is my inspiration to strive for greater success in life.

Understand this success principle – you’re not in competition with anyone, therefore, the inferior emotion is just an illusion created by your brain, basing on your environment and surrounding people. The only competition that you’re competing is YOU, to better perform what you’re capable of achieving today.

Remember the young guy who’s walking slowly? That will determine how he acts and thinks too. You know why people in Singapore are more successful than most other developed countries (based on ratio)? This is the same too in big cities because they are ‘fast people’.

When you move fast, you somehow gain energy and momentum. It’s a fascinating fact that your movement is connected with your mind.

You walk slow, you feel tired.

So if you want to create the habit of taking action, shouldn’t you be slightly faster in your life, in anything that you do?

Of course, use your logical mind - I’m not asking you to eat faster and choke yourself and so on. I know you’re a smart person, assert it yourself of what you should be fast at.

Until today, I haven’t met a millionaire that has no energy - they’re all energetic people in one form or another.

You see, energy equals passion. You got to be passionate when you’re doing what you’re doing to become a millionaire. I mean, if you’re not passionate with your own goal, how are you going to expect anyone else to be passionate of your dream and help you to achieve it?

Now, I want you to do something for yourself – believe that you can be a millionaire because that’s the very first step to realizing any dream into a reality. (If you’re already a millionaire, what’s your next goal? That is where you got to strive for now…).

If you find value in what you read, please leave your comment below. This goes without saying that I’ll appreciate that since I read every single comment personally to know what my readers like and think.

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Patric Chan

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The world is going through global recessions, companies are laying off and stock markets heading south. Find out how you can maintain a positive attitude in down times, and keep it going for you!

Maintaining a positive attitude in down times is the best thing you can do. You have a choice, maintain a positive attitude or go negative. The easy, and almost natural way for most people is to go negative. The best method for down times is to maintain a positive upbeat attitude, but it requires you to be disciplined and in control of your life.

Maintaining a positive attitude requires you to first believe in you, the most important person in the world. If you believe in you, you will also believe you are here for a reason and that there will be incidents of all sorts in your life.

You also know that these incidents, many of which are not under your control, happen for a reason. That reason could be as simple as building character, or getting you back on track to where you belong.

Maintaining a positive attitude in down times, whether it be the loss of a loved one, a friend, relative, money or a job is crucial for survival and the realization of your dreams and goals.

There are a lot of things in our life that are not under our control - weather, time, people, traffic, etc. If we cannot control them, we need to learn to accept them as they are. All we can do is take control of what is under our control - our attitude, our thoughts, our self-talk and the way we react to these situations.

What we think about, what we say to ourselves and the way we act it out is all part of the law of attraction, and is under our control. We can attract positive or negative outcomes. Which would you prefer?

Obviously you would prefer positive outcomes. Therefore you need to take control of your thoughts, self talk and reactions to maintain a positive upbeat attitude and positive outcomes.

To maintain that positive attitude, you need to be very aware of what you are thinking, saying and doing. You need to catch yourself in the act of self pity, self criticism, jealousy, anger, etc.

Then you need to X out that thought, saying or action and replace it with the opposite - a positive thought, saying or action. That is how you maintain a positive attitude, by taking control of the things that are under your control.

Keep in mind that maintaining positive attitude requires awareness at all times because only when you are in our conscious state can you accept or reject thoughts, self talk or actions.

If you are not aware, and do not reject negative thoughts, they will end up in your subconscious mind. Once it hits your subconscious mind, you do not have the power to reject or accept.

It has already been accepted and now goes to work with the laws of nature to attract those thoughts, self talk messages and results into your life.

By making awareness part of your daily discipline you will have the opportunity to take control of your life and attract the circumstances and outcomes you want, as opposed to the outcomes you do not want. SoArticle Submission, take control and be aware!

Article Tags: Thoughts Self Talk, Positive Attitude, Down Times, Take Control, Thoughts Self, Self Talk

Source: Free Articles from


Bob Urichuck is an International Speaker, Trainer and Best-Selling Author. Learn personally from Bob in the areas of Sales, Motivation, Leadership and Team Skills. Bob presents a series of great ideas and strategies with combination of facts, humor, and practical concept in a high-energy and self-discovery process that you can apply right away to achieve results. Subscribe to Bob's Free Newsletter, worth $297, visit Now!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Are you living the life you would like to be living? Are you enjoying the good things of life that you define as success? You hold the power to change the course of your life. You are in control of what happens to you and it begins in your mind with the attitude you have toward life. If your attitude is negative you will not live a life you love and success will elude you. When you begin living life with a positive attitude your life will become the life you love living.

1. Think positive. Your thoughts are your most important factor in creating the life you live. Discipline yourself to only allow positive thoughts to reside in your mind. Find ways to control your thinking.

2. Speak positive. Your words reflect your thoughts. Control your words - speak only positive words. Let your words reflect your new discipline - positive thinking.

3. Look for the good in others. As you focus on the positive qualities of others you begin to enjoy those people more and your life becomes more positive. Learn to always look for the things in other people that you admire. State those discoveries in your mind and to those people you were thinking about.

4. Find something good to speak about. These words have been my guide in life: "Small minds talk about people. Average minds speak about things. Great minds speak about ideas." Learn to have a great mind by speaking of ideas, dreams, goals, plans, and the good things about life.

5. Do not worry. Worry steals the joy out of living. Worry is only borrowing trouble for yourself. Become a problem solver instead of worrying about those problems.

6. Focus on the future. Don't stay stuck in the past. Focus on a bright future and think on how much you will enjoy working towards and accomplishing your goals.

7. Gratitude. Learn to count the blessings in your life. Every day, find a minimum of 5 things you are thankful for. As you focus on the good things in life and train your mind and your mouth to be positive your life will take on new meaning and you will lead a life that is also positive.

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

People join network marketing businesses because they want to be able to change their lives and live their dreams. Normally when you are asked or invited to join a network marketing business, you will be painted a beautiful picture of finally being able to achieve that elusive financial freedom. The best part is all of this can be attained through passive residual income. This means that once you have built your network marketing organization team you will be able to leverage on your organization in terms of time and effort. With the right support, coaching and motivation plus hard work in the first few years, this will allow you to put in little effort in your business and still make good money every single month.

This dream however is easily shattered the moment you start talking to people about your fantastic business opportunity. You immediately not only start getting rejected by these people, but you start getting bombarded with lots of negativity and dream killers. These people will do all they can to undermine what you are doing. At the same time, because they do not share your dreams and goals, these negative people are not able to see and understand what you dream is all about.

In lieu of the above facts, and in order not to feel dejected and rejected by all the negativity, you should try as far as possible to stay away from negative people. This may be easier said than done. However here are a few tips that can help you achieve it.

- Positive motivation. This is so important, yet many people underestimate the power of positive motivation. Many successful people go through motivational courses and read motivational books to keep their motivation spirit up! There are a lot of people in the world today who do not believe in the power of positive motivation. Are you one of them? Have you become so immune to motivation or are you turning out to be another negative person as well? Look deep into yourself and search your soul. Things may not be rosy all the time. However in life there are always ups and downs and it is how you handle these challenges in your life that will determine if you succeed or otherwise. Remember not to give up on yourself and get yourself recharged again by reading more motivational books or attending motivational camps and seminars.

- Positive affirmation. Constant and daily positive self affirmations help to boost the spirit as well. Go through the affirmations everyday at least two times, once in the morning and again in the evening. This will help to give you some positive energy.

- Remove yourself from negative environment. This is easier said than done because most of the time it is the people closest to us who are our dream killers and dream snatchers. So if you want to continuously stay positive, you need to recharge yourself with positive energy as often as possible. Even the most successful person may have gone through this stage. Yet in order to reach the level where they are at right now, they have to make a conscious effort to pull themselves away from all the negative people in their lives. Then only can they succeed in recharging their positive energy with help from motivational books, workshops and seminars and go all out to create financial success in their lives.

- Just take action. It is normal to feel down and negative and get pulled down by all the negativity especially when you are not achieving results. The most important thing that you can do when you hit this stage is to take action and get back into the groove of things. Think positive, act like a warrior and 'just do it' as Nike says. Rather than just sitting there and sulking in the background, make a concerted effort to go all out and ignore any negativity. Get up, get out and get things going!

Veronica Tan BK is a successful home based business entrepreneur and owner of Easy Leads Mentor. Her passion is to help others achieve a full-time income working from the comfort of their home. Here is a free exclusive interview with world famous internet marketing giant to get a head-start in your working online from home business. Feel free to visit her at

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

There are many ways to improve self-motivation but very few that seem universal.
Many people tend to look at the outside, and tend to ignore the inside where all people hold their esteem. There are 3 simple rules to live by are the three- D's. Desire, Determination , & Dedication. The first step would be to ask if feel the desire to improve yourself! The second step is to put forth effort to overcome. Then finally, you must be dedicated to see to achieving the success that you desire.

If you can remember those three simple- D's, they will inspire so much passion in you to obtain what ever you seek! Motivation is key to what ever we do in life. If we are feeling unmotivated then we feel lethargic. If you are motivated you can really bring excitement and thrill into the most simple tasks. Positive thinking is the key to finding motivation in everything you do! It starts with waking up and thanking the lord for another day. Every day that you wake up, you should have goals to obtain that day. Make it a challenge to yourself that day, you must complete those missions. It will bring more excitement and something to drive your emotions that day.

The four things I try to obtain each day are as follows; Try to make someone laugh, Try to read and learn something new and intellectual. Try to exercise and improve your energy. Then try to make a new connection with someone or rekindle an old one.

Well I hope this brings some basic motivation spikes that will be implemented for your future success.

Remember that it is all a mindset you need to place yourself in!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Train our brain to think Positive

People who play string instruments must know the fact that their instruments need to be tuned every now and then for it to be in perfect condition. They also know that if their string instrument, for example, guitar to be left unplayed for a while, it will also be out of tune. The same goes with our mind. Even if we have the necessary ingredient to achieve our goals, we need to tune the goal with motivation every now and then.

By linking the goal with passion is not enough as the passion will die as time goes by. Tune the passion with positive motivation everyday and the fire that ignites the passion will kept blazing until we reach our ultimate goal.

Positive motivation and igniting it with passion is only useful if we live our life with a purpose. Just imagine a ship sailing towards the sea without any specific destination. The ship is all fired up and ready to go but the captain has no idea where it should go. The ship will just float adrift aimlessly in the open sea. A ship with a destination and also a time to arrive will be utilizing every resource in the ship to achieve it.

Living with a purpose means living with the aspiration to achieve something. That is why goals are the most critical factor in determining whether we will have a happy life or not. The notion that we have something to achieve for that will bring much joy and impact to our life will definitely fuel and motivate us to learn, develop and take action.

Set your goals today and write it in a piece of paper and commit to take action and achieve the goal that you have set for yourself.

Monday, April 13, 2009

The word confidence means to go forward with faith. Developing your own self-confidence will allow you to do extraordinary things. That is why it is so important to work on your self-confidence every day.
These strategies may be simple, but each will have a very positive effect on your self-confidence. You can incorporate them gradually, only use some of them, or adopt them all. As you do, you will find that your confidence will grow steadily, and with it your results will improve.

1. SmileHave you ever tried to think negatively or act sad while smiling? You can't. It is impossible! Smiling triggers and releases endorphins in the brain, which send a wave of happiness through your entire body. Barbara Johnson said, "A smile is the lighting system of the face and the heating system of the heart." So smile often. You will feel more confident and you will look better too.

2. Make eye contactThis may seem like such a small thing, but unconfident people look down or look away when they are with others. Confident people make eye contact and engage with others. The eye is the window to the soul. When you make eye contact you connect to others deeply.

3. Introduce yourselfWhen you are with other people, introduce yourself. This may take you out of your comfort zone at first. GOOD! You will be amazed at the positive people you will meet and the new friends you will gain.

4. Be thankfulIt is easy to throw pity-parties and feel that our situation is unbearable. Regardless of how bad you may think your circumstances are there is probably someone worse off than you. Put things into perspective. Volunteer at a hospital or a shelter. Change your outlook and start to recognize the good in your life. We all have a lot to be thankful for, and when we are grateful our reality changes, because our perspective has changed. One of the things my wife and I do is to keep a gratitude journal. In it we record something everyday that we are grateful for. This little exercise keeps us on track.

5. Change your postureWhen you think confidently you will notice that you stand a little taller, you raise your head a little higher, and sit a little straighter. Inversely, when you change your posture you will change your perception. Stand tall. Lift your head up. This isn't like your mom getting on you for bad posture; this is because you have every reason in the world to stand tall.

6. Choose a theme songThis may seem like a strange suggestion but music has an amazing ability to invoke emotion. You have seen sports teams warm up to "pump up" music, so why don't you. Before you go into a sales meeting, give a presentation, run a race, face the world, whatever, listen to a song that will spur the emotion you need. Find your theme song - play it loud. This is a fun way to build confidence.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

humour and jokes are not only relieving stress, but also enrich your living and keeps you adjoin with friends and family. The unregularity of emotional state, low blood sugar, heart disease, overactive thyroid and is also considered by science to several effects of stress. What makes a thing of such complexity that stress is actually dissimilar from person to person. There are people who might not be homely telling their emotions with others, irrespective of how they are close to the person. Writing about what happened during the day is a self-cleaning of all the worries over a hard day's work. The accelerating pace of the world clouded by the pressures of work and they demands the humour and jokes compounds in life. Therefore, such websites have been a roaring sector in recent years because people are prefabricated to judge that their use of services is the exclusive telling way to process humour and jokes in life. Nevertheless, it is not necessary to participate in an programme splurging money to get humour and jokes. Accept every opportunity to the millions of dollars flash smile. Nevertheless, too much, it could grant harmful emotional, physical and mental effects of a person.
A really inspiring book can create a feel of lightness and motivation of a being. Studies show that 40% of people who get heart disease are little likely to be inclined to laugh. As funny as it appears in, humour and jokes is the cheapest and easiest way to relieve stress. Joking with friends, watching funny movies or TV shows and reading funny cartoons are cheap and fun solutions to stress. stress may be portion of daily life, but this is not necessarily synonymous with grace and let it take over. Accentuating the positive is one way to deal. After all, stress is not what happens is how we move to it.
Current studies at the University of Baltimore have shown that people who have humour and jokes are inferior likely to have heart disease. In addition, people with heart disease are 40% inferior likely to humour and jokes compared to the designate of these people without heart problems. If this is genuine, the very elixir which could heal a serious health status correlated to heart is the first condition of the act of laughing at jokes truly funny. This is specially fundamental for those who do not get time to exercise or do physical activities. Laughing also prevents hypertension because it reduces the odds of stress. It relaxes muscles and reduces the supplying of dopamine in the blood.
After knowing all this, how can you exercise the habit of humour and jokes to keep from heart attack? The maintenance of a light-hearted provision is necessary in preventing heart attacks. Whenever the stress began keeping in the of these situations can restrain your stress and anxiousness. humour and jokes not only create natural laughter, but also help maintain favourable mental health. Therefore in every day tough working life humour and jokes is not only necessary to form laughter in your life, it also keeps you fit in the life.