Positive thinking is a condition of creative force that brings into our experience what we desire to have or do. It is another term relating to the law of attraction, 'What you think you create.'
However, positive thinking is only part of the process of creation. You will never produce what you want from positive thinking until you know exactly what it is that you want to experience. In my experience, most of the people I have come into contact with do not know what it is that they really want.
I have asked people to think for a moment about what they would want if they could have anything they desired. The expected answers run the gamut of new cars, money, houses, relationships, and just about anything they could imagine.
I asked them to think about it again, and reminded them that they can have these things if they are very specific about what it is they want. They once again would think about it and come back with the same answer - I want a new house, a new car, a relationship etc.
I would then ask them why they would want a new house or whatever, and the answer would inevitably be the same no matter what they wanted - because it would make me happy they would reply.
Most people I have talked to understand the concept of positive thinking and how the law of attraction works on a very general level.
So I press on with more questions. Do you believe that if you thought really hard about it, that you could have your new house? Many would say yes. Then I would ask - would you be happy? Once again they would say yes, very happy. So I would repeat their statements of desire. A new house would make you happy. And the answer again would be yes.
So I would ask if there was anything they would want to add, and most would settle for just the new house after a moment of thought. Many people were afraid to ask for too much on questioning them; thinking that they didn't deserve or they already asked for too much.
I gave them a possible scenario to consider after they moved into the house.
What if the house was poorly built and plumbing and wiring were defective? What if the roof leaked after the first rainfall? What if the house was in a poor quality neighborhood? Consider the house being located in the flight path of an airport - would you still be happy.
The answer every time was a resounding, no!
Then I asked what it was they left out of their wish? Does having this new house make you happy? The answer is obviously - no. One said, "I should have asked for a good quality house in a nice neighbourhood - he still missed the point.
Another said he wanted $10 million and he would be happy. I asked him to consider his answer again. And he confirmed that the money would make him happy. I asked him if he applied positive thinking to his desire' would the result of the positive thinking bring him his happiness. He said maybe.
I gave him a possible scenario. What if he thought diligently on receiving the money and was passionate about getting it, would he be happy when he received it? He said yes. Then I said consider this. On the day that you received the $10 million notice in the mail; you also received a request from your doctor to come into his office to review the results of a recent test. He told you that you had one month to live and that your death would be very painful and you must be hospitalized immediately. Does receiving $10 million bring you happiness without considering the other possibilities? Did you leave something out of your request? Would a request for $10 million and perfect health make more sense?
What is it that is in common with our wants that we miss out on no matter how positively we think about them?
Many people believe that having a wish granted or gift received will bring them happiness. Is it the gift, the granted wish or is it happiness that is desirable? And if it is happiness they want, does it really matter whether they have these other things or not?
Positive thinking does not bring us what we want unless we truly know what it is we do want. Should we be asking for everlasting happiness?
Positive thinking and the "Law of Attraction" does work when the principles are properly applied, and we are passionately aware of what it is we want.
Even positive thinking can leave us with negative results if we are not careful about what we think. Being positive, does not always mean what we get is what we want; if we're not focused on what it is we really want.
It is OK to want 'things', but it does not work to think that 'things' will bring us what we truly want. There are truly only a few things that most people want and it can be summarized in one word - an abundance of happiness.
Positive thinking will bring all that we desire if we understand the principals of positive thinking in that we always get what we think about at some level of consciousness. If we are thinking about receiving a thing and are thinking that we will not get it at the same time; the two thoughts will cancel out each other. We will have nothing left but a thought of wanting.
Positive thinking is the procedure for getting what we desire. But the knowing that we have it, that it is already ours, is absolute.
Know that you are happy first, and then create the things in your mind and experience which reflect your true happiness. Like the new house, car, relationships, the $10 million or whatever you can imagine. They are simply symbols; they are not the emotion that you want to experience - but they will visual reflect that emotion.
Think positively and know that all things will be yours at the correct time and place when you are ready to receive them. Be careful what you think - you may get it!
Positive thinking only goes so far - it's one step. The first step is in knowing what it is you really, really want.
Roy E. Klienwachter is a resident of British Columbia, Canada. A student of NLP, New Age Light Worker and Teacher. Roy has written and published two books and nine ebooks on New Age wisdom. Roy's books are thought provoking and designed to empower you to take responsibility for your life and what you create. His books and articles are written in the simplicity and eloquence of Zen wisdom.
You may not always agree with what he has to say. You will always come away with a new perspective and your thinking will never be the same.
Roy's style is honest and comes straight from the heart without all the metaphorical mumble jumble. For more articles visit his site at http://www.klienwachter.com
Review his new book at: http://www.leddownthegardenpath.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Roy_Klienwachter