Friday, November 06, 2009

This is an abundant world. Money and abundance flows freely and easily, and when you become comfortable with this process it is much easier to allow the opportunities for money to flow to you instead of away from you. If you find yourself becoming tight with your money carefully safe guarding each cent from slipping away from you, you become completely focused on your lack of prosperity. You become so focused on keeping what you have left that you cannot see any opportunities that comes your way.

This belief can be shifted by an understanding that you can achieve any measure of abundance that you need or want. One way to open your thinking is through the 10% rule. There is a commonly sited rule in entrepreneurism that is the 10% rule. You should always make it your commitment to donate at least 10% of anything you make to the charity of your choice. Making this commitment will improve the way you see yourself and your own financial situation. Charity reminds you of others who are in far worse situations than you and gives you a better perspective on your own abundance. This little shift can assist you in tweaking your thinking to better appreciate the things that are working for you. You switch from feelings of lack to feelings of abundance.

This will not only make you feel more abundant and make you see the positives in your situation, it will also make you view yourself differently. You will see yourself as a leader, a benefactor, and an influence for good. This is what every entrepreneur aspires to be. Someone who helps others to find solutions, who offers people the opportunity to improve their lives. And those that will achieve long term success are those who are contributing and creating a better world around them. This shift to entrepreneurial thinking will help you see opportunities that are coming your way and allow you to be confident and courageous in pursuing them.

Finally, what you give comes back to you. As I said abundance is a flow, you have to allow it to flow from you freely in a positive way for it to return.

You might be looking at this now thinking, I would love to contribute to the world, but I simply can't afford to. These words are like poison. Do everything in your power to remove them from your thinking. Because you can't afford not to.

Everyone has a basic level of income, what they could barely get by with. You need to pay rent or mortgage, you need to pay the house bills, you need food on the table. Any money beyond this basic level is extra. You would not let your income drop below this basic level because you need a roof over your head and food on the table. Now take that basic level, and add an extra 10%.

Keep it simple: you have a new basic income level. This is one of the most important changes of thinking, and is vital to your future. If your income currently does not cover this, than you need to make it your priority to raise your income to this new level at least. If this is a non-negotiable in your life, the opportunity will come to you, and as you open to more opportunities and possibilities for your life you will open up to success. You owe it to yourself and to the world to find your abundance.

Author Resource:- Click to learn more about helping others, see top charity suggestions for entrepreneurs, and other self improvement ideas Do you have a big goal for 2010? Click here if you want to find a business where you can create abundance while helping others and continuing to develop yourself.
Article From New Ezine Articles

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