Sunday, November 29, 2009


A wise person once declared that it's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not. You need to trust in your own abilities so that you can go beyond what is expected of you. If this means that you have to take risks, then so be it. Many people don't get to see what they are really capable of because they are scared of committing mistakes. But isn't that a part of life? No one is exempted from making errors. These are sometimes there to teach you more about life. If you saved yourself from doing something wrong, you can never survive in the real world.

To become a truly successful person, you need to trust in yourself first. You go through rough patches every so often, and this is when you know how strong you actually are. Along the way, you encounter potholes and barriers. You may even fall several times. Nonetheless, you simply need to push yourself up with both arms every time this happens. Each fall teaches you how to balance yourself better the next time it happens.

With the lessons learned, you have gained new knowledge for future battles. The world is made up of two kinds of people: winners and losers. The major difference between these two is not the number of achievements they've had. The winners are those who know how to lose. To see each defeat as only a delay because nothing stops them from getting what they want in the very end. That is what matters most. If you don't easily get discouraged, you know that you will go further than those who let failures dictate their actions.

What makes you a success is your tenacity. You constantly try to channel all your talents to fulfilling your goals. While there may be a few surprises along the way, you also know that you shouldn't be too hard on yourself. You cannot control every aspect in your life. You meet people that may just bring you down or a recent economic crisis has caused you your job. These things aren't your fault. But then again, you also shouldn't blame the others for it. The important thing now is to focus on what needs to be done. A wise move would be to have a backup plan for all your major decisions. Learn to expect the unexpected and always have something to fall back on.

Believe in yourself because winners just don't know how to quit. Success sometimes happens with sometimes a major sacrifice from you. Winners work harder than everyone else. In fact, it takes extra effort to reach the pinnacle. If this were easy, everyone would have been successful by now. See what is in you and try to hone your skills and talents as much as possible. Adopt the can-do attitude. Things may not be exactly what you wanted, but the point here is that you are trying. As long as there is some effort from you, you will be a lot closer to winning than those who don't do anything at all.

By Raymond Le Blanc. Sign up for my Free newsletter at or follow me at Twitter.

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